
Here you will find useful information and downloads for USSF publications, upgrade forms etc. Click on each for more info.

Here are some helpful tips and advice for you as a new referee. They have been gathered from experienced referees - who all started their careers as referees just like you and learned many of these lessons the "hard way." The advice found here will get you off to the best possible start.

USSF has put together a booklet as a source of helpful tips and advice for you as a new referee. Even though some of the information is outdated, it still contains valuable information. The advice found here will get you off to the best possible start.

Download the file below to learn about:
  • How to get Assignments?
  • Making a Good First Impression
  • Pre-Game Responsibilities
  • The Game
  • How Do Referees Improve?
  • Next Year is Just Around the Corner - Recertification
  • Other Resources

icon Information for New Referees

Professionalism is the key to earning respect and moving up the ladder. Demonstrating professional behavior will earn you respect from players, spectators, media, fellow officials. Unprofessional behavior will result in loss of respect for you and for other referees.

Regardless whether you are refereeing a U-8 game or an MLS game, you should always conduct yourself in a professional manner.

OFF THE FIELD:Your demeanor off the field, locally or when traveling out-of-state, should reflect all of the above. Remember, you are representing the State of Alabama when you referee a match, whether in Alabama or out-of-state, and will be judged by your off the field demeanor as well as how you perform on the field.

When should it be demonstrated. . . .AT ALL TIMES!!!
Download the file below for some excellent advice

icon Referee Guidelines

The Alabama Soccer Referee Handbook (is being updated) has been put together by the SRC as a resource explaining all aspects of the Referee Development Program from Instruction, to Assessment to Referees. It should be the single resource Referees, Referee Mentors and Assignors turn to for answers to their questions.
Referees and Assistant Referees should use the following forms to complete game reports:
  • USSF Referee and Supplemental Game Report (Used by Referees to report red cards, coach dismissal, injuries and any other unusual events)
  • USSF Supplemental Game Report (used by Assistant Referees to provided added details for Violent Conduct red cards and any other unusual events)

icon USSF Referee and Supplemental Game Report

icon USSF Supplemental Game Report

icon FIFA Considerations

The following downloadss give you a good refresher. Click here to visit US Soccer Resources center for a lot more resources
In order to call State League and State Tournaments, the SRC recommends, as a minimum, the short and long sleeve Yello jersey as well as the short Green jersey. You must also have the 2 stripe USSF logo's sock and black shorts.Click here to buy your starter kit.